William and Vanessa // Upper Moutere // Bump Session


Life get’s a little more exciting when your friends are expecting their first little human The other Friday I met up with William and Vanessa and we side tracked the cows, hopped over or actually around an electric fence (all safe and soundly) and found this little gem of a spot. I was on cloud nine that there was still some lush brown grass around and as the sun set we had some fun. Baby chat including listing all possible names, talking the future and discussing our ideal breaky made for a jolly good time with my pals.

@whilly_p and @ness_lauren – you guys are cooool. I’m thankful you’re in my life and I cannot wait to meet little bean when it comes earth side. Thank you for letting me in, and for the honour to document this season. Bring on June!


The Guerin’s // Stoke // Family


Jono, Catie and Frank // Tahunanui // Family